Manufacturing processes


The term extrusion comes from the Latin “extrudere”, which means pushing out and pushing out. In the extrusion process, ergo plastics are pressed through a nozzle in a continuous process.

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Vulcanization is a chemical technique developed in 1839 by Charles Goodyear. This process makes plastic resistant to atmospheric and chemical influences as well as mechanical stress under the influence of time, temperature and pressure.

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Injection moulding

Injection moulding is a manufacturing process for plastic articles. During the process, plastic granules are melted (plasticized) and then injected into a cavity (molding nest, cavity) of a tool.

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At SHP Primaflex, we sew everything we need on industrial sewing machines that have been converted to meet our high demands. From lightweight PVC-coated fabrics to heavy textiles made of a high-temperature resistant material.

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